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The Art of Now

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Florida Studio Theatre
(From Left to Right): Kyle Van Frank, Will Luera.
Photo by Sarah Haley

If 2020 has shown us nothing else, it’s that life is unpredictable and living in the moment can be hard. But “in the moment” is exactly where Improvisers thrive, and no one knows that better than the cast of Florida Studio Theatre’s resident troupe, FST Improv.

Since its founding in 1973, Florida Studio Theatre has made a name for itself as Sarasota’s Contemporary Theatre. Through its major programs—the Mainstage Series, the Cabaret Series, Stage III, Children’s Theatre, the FST School, and New Play Development—FST has entertained and challenged audiences with some of the most exciting new theatrical works being produced today. One program, however, serves up shows that are especially fresh –as in, never-been-seen-before fresh.

More than “Whose Line is It Anyway,” FST Improv is a kaleidoscope of various improvisational techniques, styles, and traditions. Sure, you’ll find game-driven shows where FST comics play out quick-moving scenes and skits. But you’ll also see them create improvised plays and even full-length musicals – completely on the spot. In addition to year-round improv shows, Florida Studio Theatre hosts the annual Sarasota Improv Festival, the premiere Festival of its kind in the Southeast U.S., drawing top improv talent from across the country and as far as Spain, France, Mexico, and England for a whirlwind weekend of spontaneous art.

No one adapts like improvisers. Since FST’s five theatres were forced to close earlier this year, FST Improv has said “Yes, and…” to new technology, taking their shows and skills online. Tune into their official Facebook and Instagram channels for interviews with leading improvisers from around the world as well as virtual shows.

For those interested in trying their own hands at improvisation, the FST School offers Improv classes for both youth and adults taught by FST’s professional Resident Teaching Artists.

From nimbly adapting to change to becoming a better listener and connecting more deeply with others, the same skills learned through improv can be revolutionary when applied to our day-to-day routines. Whether online or in-person, be sure FST Improv is on your list of “Sarasota must-dos,” and see for yourself how their resident troupe is turning living in the moment into an art.